Pourquoi le cacao ?

On nous pose souvent la question du "pourquoi ?!"Ce n’est pas tant le produit que nous travaillons qui attise la curiosité des gens mais bien l’activité que nous faisons aujourd’hui qui fait sourire : fabriquer du chocolat après avoir fait des études d'ingénieurs, quelle idée !

On aime le chocolat, on l’adore !

Pour ma part, j’ai toujours été la plus grande consommatrice de chocolat de la famille. Avec une maman belge et cinq frères et sœurs, ce titre n’est pas anodin ! Mêmes amours pour Antoine. Petit, il ne savait pas s’arrêter et pour peu qu’il arrivait à passer outre la vigilance de ses parents, il en mangeait jusqu’à s’en rendre malade. C’est ce qui lui est arrivé à la naissance de son petit frère. Accueil des plus sympathiques… Finalement, c’est en République Dominicaine, pays où je pars à l'aventure en 2008 pour un stage au sein d'Orange Dominicana, que l’on découvre le cacao.

Direction la plantation, laissez-vous guider…!

Oubliez les images de vergers où chaque arbre est aligné avec ses voisins. Voisins qui se ressemblent tous. Vous êtes dans la forêt tropicale ! Il y fait chaud et humide, vous êtes à l’abri du soleil et chaque recoin est unique. Ici, la vanille a pris appui sur un arbre. Là, le pamplemoussier parfume votre balade. Un ananas apparaît devant vous. Le sol est jonché de feuilles et il y a des petits bruits un peu partout…de la vie !

Cristobal, le producteur est fier de vous faire découvrir sa propriété. Il connaît les moindres recoins de ce petit bout de paradis.



Le cacaoyer a cette particularité d’être un arbre qui a besoin des autres pour grandir et s’épanouir. Des grands arbres pour leur ombre car il ne supporte pas le soleil direct. Des moucherons pour polliniser ses minuscules fleurs sans quoi il n’y aurait pas de fruits. Des animaux pour disséminer ses graines car ses fruits ne tombent pas, ils pourrissent sur l’arbre si personne ne les cueille. Le cacaoyer est un arbre plein de mystères, qui porte très bien son nom : Theobroma cacao, "la nourriture des Dieux".

Alors, êtes-vous sous le charme du cacao ?! Nous, nous avons eu un vrai coup de foudre !

Ce jour là, en rentrant à Santo Domingo, la capitale, nous empruntons la nouvelle autoroute qui traverse l’île du Nord au Sud. De part et d’autre apparaissent des champs de palmiers à perte de vue. Comment rester indifférent face à cela lorsque l’on sait que cette culture intensive de palmiers appauvrit les sols et détruit l’habitat naturel de nombreuses espèces animales. Triste réalité.

"Why cocoa ?!"

We are often asked "why ?!". It is not so much the product that we work with that arouses the curiosity of the people but the activity that we do today that makes people smile: making chocolate after engineering studies, what an idea!

We love chocolate, we really love it!

On my side, I have always been the biggest consumer of chocolate in the family. With a Belgian mother and five brothers and sisters, this title has not been chosen at random! Same love for Antoine. As a child, he did not know how to stop and as soon as he managed to pass beyond the vigilance of his parents, he tried to eat as much chocolate as he could, until he became sick. That's what happened to him when his little brother was born. Not the best welcome you you can think of...

Finally, it is in Dominican Republic, country where I stayed for a year in 2008 for an internship within Orange Dominicana, that we had the chance to go on many adventures and discover cocoa plantations.

Let's go to the cocoa plantation, let us be your guide ...!

Forget about plantations where each tree is aligned with its neighbours. Neighbours that are all alike. You are in the rainforest! It is hot and humid, you are protected from the sun and every corner is unique. Here, vanilla has taken hold of a tree. There, the grapefruit scents your ride. A pineapple appears in front of you. The ground is littered with leaves and there are little noises everywhere ... life!

Cristobal, the producer is proud to make you discover his property. He knows every corner of this little piece of paradise.

The cocoa tree is a tree that you can easily recognise. Its fruits, the cocoa pods, grow on the trunk. They are colorful. Red, green, yellow, orange, violet, brown, ... This varies according to the variety of the cocoa tree and the maturity of the pod. You enjoy your walk picking some pods and taste the delicious pulp that surrounds each cocoa bean, but also grapefruits, avocados, bananas, maracuyas (Dominican variety of passion fruit), pepper, cane to sugar ... Cristobal lives with little but insists that leave with your hands full!

The cocoa tree has the peculiarity of being a tree that needs others to grow and flourish. Tall trees for the shade because it can not stand the direct sun. Midges to pollinate its tiny flowers without which there would be no fruit. Animals to eat and spread its seeds because cocoa pods do not fall by themselves, they rot on the tree if nobody picks them. The cocoa tree is a tree full of mysteries, which has been very well named: Theobroma cacao, "The food of the Gods".

So, are you in love with cocoa ?! We had a real crush!

That day, when we return to Santo Domingo, the capital city, we took the new highway that crosses the island from North to South. On either side appeared fields of palm trees as far as the eye can see. How being indifferent to this when we know that this intensive palm cultivation depletes soils and destroys the natural habitat of many animal species. Sad reality.

It is far from the principle of agroforestry set up by the island's cocoa producers whose main goal is to diversify the species in order to preserve the soil and promote biodiversity.

Yes, we are great dreamers! With Encuentro, we are committed to these passionate producers with the desire that our children and grandchildren can, on day, walk in this magical place, the cocoa plantation!

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